-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup hints for using BGFAX with D'bridge 06-18-93 Randy Fox FidoNet 1:363/60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the Dbridge set up that we discussed about the other night. All the people need to do is the following: Edit the MCF File they are using. in my case BOCA3242.mcf 2) Change the "INIT" Line to look something like this: (some additional commands may be needed for regular modem use. I left my extras out for less confusion.) The file starts off looking like this: MCF Boca3242 Boca V32b/MNP/V42b BAUD 38400 LOCKED DELAY 60 TIMEOUT 65 PREINIT ATZ <----This line can be ommited or altered, but is only sent once upon loading D'bridge Boca-> INIT ATH0N1&K3+FCR=1+FAA=1+FLID="MY FAX MACHINE" Zoom-> INIT ATN1&K3+FCR=1+FAA=1+FLID="MY FAX MACHINE" OFFHOOK ATM0H1 etc.... (Note: in the mcf there is no blank lines between the entries, I just ran out of room for the explaination.) Then, they need to load dbridge and go under Utilities;Security/Miscellaneous. In the EXTERNAL RECIEVERS box they need to enter: FAX|C:\FAX\BGFAX /FAX The word FAX before the pipe is the modem response, may need to be CONNECT FAX is some instances, or +FCON. After the pipe is the command line for the reciever. This is the quickest way to load BGFAX if you have enough overhead ram. this is just a small dos shell method. Another option: after the PIPE symbol, they may speccify a batch file to call BGFAX. ie: FAX|FAX.BAT If there is not enough over head ram, they may try swapping Dbridge out by placing a "+" sign in front of the command line: FAX|+FAX.BAT Or the may drop Dbridge and exit at errorlevel: FAX|*X100 (100 errorlevel)